All comics about nature

ID Date Title German
#22 24/10/2021 Asparagusization of the Landscape de
#50 24/10/2021 Climate Catastrophe de
#128 23/12/2021 Sudden Death de
#202 07/03/2022 Climate Conspiracy de
#211 16/03/2022 Climate Conspiracy 2 de
#212 17/03/2022 Oil Congress de
#237 11/04/2022 Springtime de
#275 20/05/2022 Postapocalyptic Game de
#308 22/06/2022 Environmental Criminals de
#309 23/06/2022 Apocalypse de
#381 03/09/2022 Two Denials are Better than One de
#382 04/09/2022 Air Polluters de
#401 23/09/2022 The Air is Yellow de
#402 24/09/2022 World Savers de
#408 30/09/2022 The Air is Yellow 2 de
#468 29/11/2022 Rainbow de
#502 02/01/2023 We are Innocent de
#521 21/01/2023 Scrubbing Technology
#527 27/01/2023 Reproduction
#588 29/03/2023 The True Culprits de
#605 15/04/2023 Spring Cleaning de
#627 08/05/2023 The Air is Yellow 4 de
#661 11/06/2023 Expert Survivalist de
#671 21/06/2023 Identity Question de
#703 23/07/2023 Bragging Rights de
#704 24/07/2023 Climate Debate de
#706 26/07/2023 Procreate! de
#805 19/01/2024 The Four Stages of Climate Grief de
#824 04/03/2024 Gifts of Life de
#825 06/03/2024 The Air is Yellow 7 de
#837 03/04/2024 AI Apocalypse de
#842 15/04/2024 Droughtvestment de
#879 12/07/2024 Carbon Footprint de
#880 15/07/2024 Corporations and Feet de
#957 10/01/2025 The Air is Yellow 8 de
#961 20/01/2025 Heat Waves de
#966 31/01/2025 Ethical Consumption de
#972 14/02/2025 The Air is Yellow 9 de

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